Sunday, March 23, 2014


We found out in October 20, 2013 that I was pregnant. I went to the doctor the next day and found out we were exactly four weeks. We were so excited, but so scared!! I immediately started making plans. I don't know how I knew, but I knew I was having a little girl. I immediately started pinning all sorts of cute little outfits, lists, lessons to teach, anything to do with baby. I downloaded the what to expect app. I made plans to document every part of my pregnancy, with weekly photos, and letters to Scarlett. I slacked on the letters. I think I wrote 1 1/2 the whole pregnancy. Oops.

4 1/2 weeks pregnant
First Ultrasound

19 weeks

20 week ultrasound

20 week ultrasound

I got sick. I don't mean your usual pregnancy related morning sickness. I mean lost 15 pounds, went to the ER four times. I had migraines and was always tired. And it lasted until about 20 weeks.

Then it got better. And I ate everything in sight. The only food aversion I had that I liked before I was pregnant was Mexican. And I still don't relish the idea of eating mexican, which is okay, cause it isn't good for baby boo's tummy. I craved a lot of fruit and sweet things. Ben was always joking about my expensive chocolate cravings, I only wanted caramel Gihradelli or Caramel Lindor Truffles (which are a pain to find).
She made me so hungry! Which I was okay with, because I was so hungry for so long.

She was active. She was always rolling, kicking, punching, headbutting etc. I told everyone she was going to be a gymnast, or have ADHD one or the other. We did our anatomy ultrasound right at 20 weeks, it was so cool to see her little profile, and little feet. When the ultrasound tech said it's a girl, I smiled and said HA! We had been betting for weeks. Daddy just dropped his head into his hands and shook it, like he knew he was in for it. We had already had our name decided upon for a girl, and that was Scarlett Joelle Hancock.

We started collecting baby gear. We had a great friend (That's you Aubrey, if you read this), give us a lot of stuff for Scarlett. We were so excited collecting little outfits, we bought a few things here or there, but Ben tried his hardest to make me wait until my baby shower, so we could tally up what we had and what we still needed. Life was good and we were happy.

Then it started.

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