Sunday, July 20, 2014

I hope...

Wow! Its been a long time since my last blog post. Sorry to everyone who enjoys reading our story. Spending time with Scarlett and getting her and ourselves acclimated to her being home kind of took precedence. It hasn't been easy. She came home on July 2, which was almost 3 weeks ago. I haven't got much sleep, I struggle daily to keep up with my housework. Scarlett has been having some constipation and reflux issues, and I hope after explaining to the doctor on Tuesday how miserable we've been as a whole, he will consider changing her formula. She's so far gone today, she doesn't want to eat hardly anything and I'm pretty certain she has a dairy allergy.

We took her to Georgia last week to meet her family. Traveling 10 hours with the equivalent of a newborn infant was not easy, let me tell you. We added about 2 hours to our arrival time each way, from diaper change and bottle stops, not to mention those times she just wanted to be held. Overall we thoroughly enjoyed being home with family, it was the first time since we left around New Years. Everyone was totally in love with Scarlett, and she's now spoiled rotten like month old milk from being held so much.

I've been slacking on the blog because I had a topic close to my heart that I wanted to write about, and I still haven't figured out exactly the answer I want to get to the question I ask myself every time I try to write the blog post. This isn't that blog post. Those who attended the baby shower for Scarlett were given a list of hopes for Baby Scarlett, and her nurses were also. Some of the responses to the questions made me cry, and some made me giggle, but all were heartfelt and meaningful. Today I'm going to write my responses to the questions as her mother, listing my hopes for her according to the prompts. Grab your tissues now Linda Jackson :)

Wishes for Baby Scarlett: 
I hope you learn to: be patient and kind. I hope you learn to treat others as good, until they prove to you that they are otherwise. I hope you learn all the knowledge you can possibly soak in. I hope you learn that without God, you are nothing, just a speck in this world, and everything you have is because of him. I hope you learn humility and humbleness, honesty and perseverance. 

I hope you love: God first and then yourself. I hope you love with all your heart, like you've never been hurt. There is nothing more beautiful than love. It conquers all, it heals all. I hope you know that you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself first. And yourself is pretty darn lovable. 

I hope you aren't afraid to: Take chances and make mistakes. You will mess up. You will royally screw up. Know that I'm always waiting for you if you do, I won't make it right, but I will help you make it right. Nothing is worth having if you don't take a chance. On love, on life, in your career. If given the opportunity, always take that exciting chance. It could burn and fizzle like a campfire the next morning, or it could end up being the best decision you ever made.

I hope you get: Your heart broken. I hope you get let down. I hope you get stronger with every little thing that goes wrong. I hope you get sick at the smell of cigarettes, and never ever touch them. I hope you get disappointed. I hope you get deliriously happy. I hope you get the hiccups from laughing so hard. 

I hope you grow: into the young woman that I know you can be. I hope you grow stronger and more beautiful than you already are. I hope you grow to have talent that proves useful in your life, and makes you happy. I hope you grow smart and wise. 

I hope you respect: yourself and those around you. I hope you respect the planet you live on. I hope you respect those who are smaller than you, weaker than you, poorer than you, less intelligent, or in anyway different. Those people have feelings too. I hope you respect nature. I hope you respect your father and I and all we've endured to get you here, all we've sacrificed and all we've given. We've each given a piece of ourselves to you, that we will never get back. That piece of ourselves is half of our hearts, please take care of it.

I hope you try to: Make the world a better place. Better yourself. Help those around you. I hope you try to stand up for what you believe in. I'll bail you out if you get arrested at some protest for something you're passionate about. I hope you always try to follow your dreams and your heart. 

I hope you laugh: At yourself. You'll never get embarrassed or upset if someone says something about you, or teases you. Just laugh it off. Laugh at whatever makes you happy, or sad. Try to find humor in whatever situation you find yourself in. 

I hope you never forget: What I tell you every morning after you finish your bottle, and we're cuddling in bed, and I'm getting all your sugars. You're beautiful, I love you, and I'm so proud you're my daughter. The only person who loves you more than I do is Jesus, and he died for you to go to Heaven. Don't forget those things. 

I hope you become: outrageously beautiful. So much so that you turn heads everywhere you go. I hope you're humble about your beauty and value those things inside you more than your looks. I hope you become kind and generous, leaving love and beauty trailing behind you with every step.

I hope you experience: things outside of your comfort zone. Go to another country with next to no money. Go sky diving. Go skiing. If you're curious, go on a date with a girl. I want you to experience all that life has to offer, and don't let fear of what other people might think hold you back. The only person's opinions who matter are yours, and if it makes you happy go for it. I will never judge you for the choices you make in your life. 

I hope you dance: to the beat of your own drum. Like no one's watching. All crazy with your arms and legs flying everywhere. In the rain, in the car, in front of your bedroom mirror.

Coming home, doesn't look like she was too happy!

Her second photo shoot.She actually cried through most of this one. Photo credit to Eric Jordan

First fourth! 

She loves bathtime!

Cuddling with her puppy. LOL at that face!

I love these tiny toes!

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